Editorial Team Information

Editorial Team Information for Bonglifeandmore.com

Our dedicated editorial team at Bonglifeandmore.com is composed of experienced journalists and professionals committed to delivering high-quality, accurate, and impartial news and content to our readers. Our team is responsible for researching, writing, editing, and curating the articles and information that you find on our website.


  • Sayani Mitra
  • Responsibilities: Overall editorial oversight, content strategy, maintaining editorial standards, and ensuring adherence to journalistic ethics.
  • Background: Graduate in Mass Communication and Journalism

Managing Editor:

  • [Managing Editor’s Name]
  • Responsibilities: Editorial coordination, day-to-day operations, content scheduling, and staff management.
  • Background: [Brief background information and qualifications]

Senior Editors:

  • Sagar Kar
  • Sharmistha Ghosh
  • Responsibilities: Leading editorial teams, story assignment, content review, and ensuring accuracy and quality.

Reporters and Journalists:

Opinion and Editorial Contributors:

Research and Fact-Checking Team:

  • Sharmistha Ghosh
  • Responsibilities: Ensuring the accuracy and credibility of information through thorough research and fact-checking.
  • Background: [Both are Graduate in Mass Communication and Journalism]

Copy Editors:

  • Sagar Kar
  • Responsibilities: Proofreading, editing, and ensuring grammar, style, and formatting standards are met.

Photographers and Multimedia Specialists:

  • Photographer – Sid Halder
  • Multimedia Specialist – Sarthak Halder
  • Responsibilities: Capturing visual content, multimedia production, and enhancing storytelling through visuals.

Our editorial team is diverse, with a wide range of backgrounds, experiences, and expertise, all dedicated to delivering reliable, informative, and engaging content to our readers. We are committed to upholding the highest journalistic standards, including accuracy, impartiality, and ethical reporting practices. If you have any questions, feedback, or concerns about our content, please feel free to contact us. Your input is valuable in helping us continually improve our reporting and service to our audience.